Unpacking Islamophobia with a Diverse Expert Speaker Panel
HKS DC Council hosted a robust and thoughtful conversation on manufacturing bigotry in the context of the recent rise in Islamophobia....

Unpacking Islamophobia with a Diverse Expert Speaker Panel
HKS DC Council hosted a robust and thoughtful conversation on manufacturing bigotry in the context of the recent rise in Islamophobia....

Councilors Gather Downtown to shape the future of our community
Want to get involved? Is now the right time to give back a little to your HKS alumni community in DC? ​ After our April meeting on the...

Councilors Gather Downtown to shape the future of our community
Want to get involved? Is now the right time to give back a little to your HKS alumni community in DC? ​ After our April meeting on the...

DC alums inspire next year's HKS cohort
HKS alums joined on April 4th to recognize over 40 HKS new admits from the DC-area who attended the event. Jayme Johnson, President of...

DC alums inspire next year's HKS cohort
HKS alums joined on April 4th to recognize over 40 HKS new admits from the DC-area who attended the event. Jayme Johnson, President of...