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HKS Unifies Alumni Groups in DC on Election Night

In excess of 100 people from over 8 university alumni groups attended the election night gathering at 1831 M Street, NW. HKS DC Council hosted a relaxed, informal affair with folks dropping in or staying for the duration to watch the results roll in. A more diverse crowd than other HKS in DC activities, many stimulating discussions were had about policy and politics.

The HKS DC Council partnered with the following alumni groups across the city: Harvard Club, MIT Club, Women in Defense, Diplomacy and Development, Harvard Business School, Columbia, John Hopkins, Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Penn Club, Princeton, Cornell, Smith College and Oxford University.

A very special thank you to the staff at 1831, and to Todd Theringer for coordinating and hosting the event, and the support provided by Melissa Wilf, Joelle Schmitz, Allison Shapira and Nancy Bearg.


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