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Angleton’s Impact on Today’s CIA

HKSDC partnered with the Citadel Club of greater Washington on Wednesday, November 29 for a discussion with Washington Post Reporter Jefferson Morley on his new book, "The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton"

Generously hosted at the office of Holland & Knight, HKS Alum Cliff Karchmer, a long-time researcher in law enforcement and intelligence and national security, introduced Morley, who gave a brief introduction to Angleton. His talk was enriched by Ross Newland, a retired Senior Intelligence Service officer at the CIA whose 26-year career in the Clandestine Service involved six overseas tours, three services as CIA Chief of Station (COS), and many senior operational and managerial positions. A provocative discussion, with participation from the audience, followed.

For anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the intelligence community, James Jesus Angleton is a well-known and controversial figure. His checkered career included several of the most salient events in American history such as John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald’s involvement, an unrelenting and unsuccessful mole hunt, and his sacking by William Colby in 1974.

Morley provided much more than a historical reference. His book provides a fascinating look into not only these events, but also their larger impacts on the evolution of the CIA to present day.

After their presentation, Morley signed books and Newland, Karchmer and he stayed for more informal discussion, empanadas, wine and cheese with this highly engaged audience.


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